Thursday, February 13, 2014

I'm BACK! Let the contest and Auction continue!! (both end tonight Feb. 17th at 10pm)

My mind, like the sun in this pretty picture, is setting.  Or so it seems more and more lately.  As it turns out, we were away, up at the Ranch this week-end starting Friday (Valentine's Day) so I wasn't be here to announce a winner OR to post bids in the auction.  I'm caught up now and ready for your contest entry or hook bids. The contest and Auction  will close tonight, Monday Feb. 17th at 10pm.  Please email me your hook bids for the auction (see the post below this one) at  and post your entries in the belated Valentine Hook giveaway by commenting in the post below or emailing me at the above link.

I'm grateful for your patience and sorry for my lapse.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Oh, too late to enter?? I hope you had a wonderful time away....hubby and I were the same ages in dec of 67 when we were married.....